
Mass effect 3 anderson apartment
Mass effect 3 anderson apartment

mass effect 3 anderson apartment

I will rebuild what the many have lost I will create a future with limitless possibilities I will protect, and sustain I will act as guardian for the many. There is wisdom in harnessing the strengths of your enemy. The man/woman I was knew that he/she could only achieve this by becoming something greater. To provide the many with a powerful leader to put an end to the bickering of the many to ensure the strongest are not feared or reviled for their strength. To right the wrongs of the past to provide a voice to those too weak to speak for themselves. To give the many hope for a future to ensure that all have a voice in their future. Just as he/she gave direction to the ones who followed him/her, the ones who helped him/her achieve his/her purpose now my purpose. They guide me now give me reason, direction. Through my birth, his/her thoughts were freed. And only now do I understand the full extent of his/her sacrifice./ And only now do I comprehend the full potential of his/her decision. The man/woman I was used these words, but only now do I truly understand them. And if I die, I'll die knowing that I did everything I could to stop you. I fight for the right to choose our own fate. We face our enemy together, and together, we will defeat them! But take heart! Look around you! You're not in this fight alone.A future free from the threat of the Reapers! Depending on you to win them their future. The next few hours will decide the fate of everyone in the galaxy.It's more powerful than any weapon, stronger than any ship. This bond that ties us together is something that the Reapers will never understand. But it's also brought us together, as soldiers, allies. This war's brought us pain, and suffering, and loss.Each of you needs to be willing to die.Unless we plan on talking the Reapers to death, the defense committee is a waste of time.I bet you say that to every guy who gets you a homeworld.The Geth don't want to fight you! If you can believe that for just one minute, this war will be over.No gunship this time, you son-of-a-bitch!.

mass effect 3 anderson apartment

That was for Thane/Kirrahe (and Miranda), you son-of-a-bitch!.I've had enough of your tabloid journalism.Each of us needs to be willing to die to save humanity.They'll destroy every organic being in the galaxy if we don't find a way to stop them. This isn't their fight, but they're buying us time with their lives. They're wondering if we're ever coming back friends, family, parents and children. There's a lot of people back on Earth dying while we gather our strength.Tell your friends we're coming for them! Never mind.

Mass effect 3 anderson apartment